29 November 2017 - The ANC conference will not on its own predetermine what might appear to be the obvious shape of things to come
Our own writing in the media
Scenario planner and CEO of the IRR, Frans Cronje, has just released his second book on South Africa’s future, titled a Time Traveller’s Guide to South Africa in 2030. Rian Malan asked him about the book and about South Africa’s future.
Het die EFF ooit die ANC verlaat?
'Many politicians and analysts don’t like to hear it but the government has maxed out the economy’s revenue-creating capacity'
Die studentebetogings waardeur die land vanjaar geteister is, is deur ’n aantal ontleders en aktiviste as net so belangrik beskryf as dié van 1976. Daar is egter ’n betekenisvolle verskil. In 1976 was die revolusie gerig teen ’n verdagte en ongeoorloofde regering in ’n land waar die meerderheid mense geen ander opsie gehad het nie as gewelddadige protes om die regering te verander. In 2015 regverdig diegene wat hulle tot gewelddadige betogings wend, ’n opstand teen ’n regmatige demokrasie. Die enigste ooreenkoms is dat daar, net soos in 1976 toe daar teen veel meer as Afrikaans geprotesteer is, weer baie meer aan die gebeur is as net ’n protesbeweging teen universiteitsgelde.
Zuma’s Cabinet may have allowed these policies to continue and has indeed worsened some of them, but the Zuma administration is not responsible for the fact that those policies were adopted in the first place.
Mr Rose, at the time an editor on a Danish newspaper, Jyllands-Posten, sprang from obscurity to global notoriety in 2005 when he published a cartoon of the Muslim prophet Mohamed with a bomb in his turban. He did so not as an act of provocation, but because he been shocked at the self-censorship in the Danish press and wanted both to highlight this and to take a stand against it. He did not foresee the outrage his action would cause, let alone that it would necessitate having to employ bodyguards even today.
The NEC offers none of this. Instead, it highlights a managerial type of conflict. The battle between the leading contenders, Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa and Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, is framed as a fight – corruption versus clean governance, consultative processes versus ministerial fiat, radicalism versus moderation. Business-wise, these concerns are about ethical leadership, stakeholder relations and change management. However, little of these concerns determines the political agenda.
23 January 2018 - How long the charade will last is hard to tell, but the Gauteng department of education has to date done very well in getting parents, activists, journalists and analysts to focus on almost everything other than the real problems confronting the education of their children.
5 January 2018 - Palmer sometimes toned down some of my articles, but otherwise he allowed me as much freedom as I could reasonably have wished for – although on one occasion at an editorial meeting when I suggested yet another political leader, he thumped his desk and declared "I want stories about making money!"
Louis van der Merwe says that what matters most in the ecology of learning is expanding the competency of teachers.
Frans Cronjé says the ANC govt must change its trajectory, if it is not to lose its democratic mandate.
What explains the allegedly irrational decisions taken by the South African government over recent days? Two explanations suggest themselves. The first is that the decisions were not irrational, but part of a calculated power-play designed to further entrench the Zuma-aligned faction of the African National Congress (ANC). The second is that Mr Zuma took the decision to fire Pravin Gordhan under duress – and specifically Russian duress.
John Kane-Berman, CEO of the Institute, says that it is now clear that one of the key objectives of the ANC and the SACP is to put all aspects of the criminal justice system and security under political control.
Mining is vital to South Africa’s economy – and has been for decades. Historically, the mining sector helped equip the country with by far the best electricity, transport, and water infrastructure on the African continent.
Phumlani M. UMajozi appeals to President Zuma, says the youth are desperate for jobs.
John Kane-Berman says the opposition can't afford to mishandle another ANC race-campaign.
Rassechaos en -waansin daal op die land neer. Kyk na die Universiteit Stellenbosch.
Intellectual attack helped to erode the foundations of apartheid. It is beginning to erode the foundations of the racial and other policies pursued by the African National Congress. That is better news for the born-frees than policies that relegate them to perpetual disadvantage.