27 March 2018 - Who Owns the Land? notes that aside from numerous errors in its texts and tables, the Audit does not support many of the claims that have been made.
In addition you are welcome, as a journalist, to contact an IRR analyst at any time to help you source a piece of information on South Africa. Contact us for more info.
27 March 2018 - Who Owns the Land? notes that aside from numerous errors in its texts and tables, the Audit does not support many of the claims that have been made.
21 March 2018 - Few things in South Africa are more visible and yet more secretive than the VIP Protection Services, the subject of the IRR’s latest report, South Africa’s Secret Police: Inside the Multi-Billion Rand, Clandestine VIP Protection Services
20 March 2018 - The IRR celebrates Human Rights Day with the release of its latest research showing that relations between South Africans of different races are mainly positive, with an overwhelming majority believing that ‘the different races need each other for progress and there should be equal opportunities for all’.
14 March 2018 - Data in the 2018 edition of the South Africa Survey, published by the South African Institute of Race Relations (IRR), underlines the urgent need for investment, economic growth and policy reforms, especially in education, if the country is to reduce its high unemployment figures.
12 March 2018 - South Africa has made considerable progress against the scourge of HIV/AIDS, with a marked decline in the number of new infections since 2009 – but an intensified campaign is needed to sustain the gains.
7 March 2018 - Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Lindiwe Sisulu statement on expropriation without compensation offers little reassurance to foreign investors and their governments.
1 March 2018 - Profoundly worrying questions arise from the raid by the Hawks' Crimes Against The State Unit on the Riebeek Kasteel home of writer and investigative journalist Jacques Pauw.
26 February 2018 – The IRR warns that any renewed effort in the National Assembly to begin the process of introducing a regime of expropriation without compensation represents a profound danger for South Africa’s economic future.
22 February 2018 – The latest edition of Fast Facts, ‘Old Mother Hubbard’, from the Centre for Risk Analysis at the IRR, assesses the 2018 Budget, warning that, in the absence of profound changes in economic policy, “Mr Ramaphosa will fail to translate his political success into an economic reformation”.
21 February 2018 – Gwen Ngwenya leaves IRR to take up a post in the political arena, as head of the policy for the DA
17 February 2018 – The IRR says that while the sentiment of President Ramaphosa’s SONA was praiseworthy, its lofty ideals and values will live or die by how hard the President is willing to fight for them.
16 February 2018 – The IRR argues that Cyril Ramaphosa’s administration should recognise the importance of property rights to a healthy, prosperous society.