22 November 2016 - The IRR has released a report on whether South Africa should reintroduce the death penalty. The report comes against a context of rising levels of serious and violent crime, often characterised by extraordinary cruelty and violence on the part of perpetrators. The current Rhodes Park murder and rape case would be an example.
21 November 2016 - The proposed new minimum wage of R3 500 per month will do little to improve the circumstances of existing workers, while further limiting access to the labour market for unemployed people. This is according to analysts at the IRR.
15 November 2016 - The IRR has published a new policy paper on water pollution in South Africa and the impact that such pollution has on poor households.
8 November 2016 - The IRR has released a report titled Life in South Africa: Reasons for Hope, that sets out the social and economic progress our country has made since 1994. The report found progress in areas ranging from the economy to crime, education, healthcare and living standards.
02 November 2016 - The founding ideals of post-apartheid South Africa are under serious threat as the state slides into lawlessness. This is the key finding of a report published by the Institute of Race Relations (IRR) in Johannesburg this week.
12 October 2016 - Against the background of the criminal charge brought against the Minister of Finance, Mr Pravin Gordhan, the IRR has released a policy paper titled The Rise of the New Right: South Africa’s Road to 2024 on the prospects for a forced, quite authoritarian, economic reform process in South Africa.
04 October 2016 - South Africa’s mining industry is in deep trouble but could be saved if it followed the example of Botswana - says the IRR in a policy paper on the urgent need for mining law reform, published in @Liberty today. According to IRR research, South Africa has enormous mineral wealth but is not using this as well as its Botswana neighbour is using its more limited mineral resources.
27 September 2016 - The IRR has released an issue of Fast Facts on the socio-economic circumstances of young people.
20 September 2016 - South Africa's major state-owned companies should be removed from the control of "pseudo-capitalists" and sold to real ones. This is one of the key arguments put forward by the Institute of Race Relations (IRR) in a paper entitled Privatisation or Bust released in Johannesburg today.
16 September 2016 - The IRR supports the call by Gavin Davis, for an in-depth review of teacher training and development.
15 September 2016 - The National Treasury has no convincing reason to believe that its proposed 20% excise tax on sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) will be effective against obesity, says the IRR in a policy paper on the proposed tax, published yesterday.
14 September 2016 - A report released by the IRR this morning shows that the proposed sugar tax will do almost nothing to improve the health of South Africans. It is rather an attempt to raise more money by a desperate government that is running short of revenue. The tax will place more financial pressure on already stressed households and worsen their socio-economic position.