The South African Institute of Race Relations anticipates that an assessment of the 2009 matric results will reveal the following problems.
The South African Institute of Race Relations anticipates that an assessment of the 2009 matric results will reveal the following problems.
The South African Institute of Race Relations has warned in an article on its website that there may indeed be terror threats to the soccer World Cup.
The Unit for Risk Analysis at the South African Institute of Race Relations has described the proposed nationalisation of agricultural land in South Africa as a potentially cataclysmic event for South Africa’s economy.
One of the largest and most comprehensive statistical breakdowns of local government performance to date was released by the South African Institute of Race Relations this week.
The South African Institute of Race Relations calls upon the General Council of the Bar, which has already objected in strong terms to the appointment of state official Mokotedi Mpshe as an acting judge, to bring an urgent action to have this appointment set aside.
The South African Institute of Race Relations has warned that any proposed National Health Insurance (NHI) system would threaten the excellence of South Africa’s private healthcare sector.
The Unit for Risk Analysis at the South African Institute of Race Relations has urged senior leaders in Government to make a series of concerted public statements condemning threats of xenophobic violence.
This morning the Institute’s Unit for Risk Analysis warned the Government that it was undermining investor sentiment on South Africa
The South African Institute of Race Relations has noted with concern the attack by the chairman of the South African Communist Party (SACP), Mr Gwede Mantashe, on the civil rights organisation AfriForum. Speaking at an SACP congress this week Mr Mantashe described AfriForum as a group that fights for a ‘racist cause’.
The proportion of South African prisoners serving sentences longer than ten years increased by more than 2 400% between 1995 and 2011, according to the latest South Africa Survey, published by the South African Institute of Race Relations.
South African direct investment in Africa has increased at four times the rate of overall South African foreign direct investment since 1994, according to the latest South Africa Survey, recently published by the South African Institute of Race Relations.
The proportion of schools with laboratories and stocked laboratories declined greatly between 2006 and 2011, according to the South Africa Survey 2010/2011, published by the South African Institute of Race Relations.
Only 20% of pupils writing matric mathematics and physical science achieve more than 50%, according to the latest South Africa Survey, published by the South African Institute of Race Relations in Johannesburg last week.
Of those infected with HIV in South Africa, one in two is a woman of child-bearing age. This is according to the latest South Africa Survey, recently published by the South African Institute of Race Relations in Johannesburg.
21 October 2015 – South Africa should be doing much more to ‘monetise’ the waste products currently being deposited in landfills and other dumps. This would clean up the environment while also creating local jobs and supporting the emergence of local entrepreneurs.
3 August 2017 - Today, the IRR released a report titled “Political musical chairs: Turnover in the national executive and administration since 2009”.
27 November 2014 – The key finding is to highlight the uncompetitive nature of the South African economy, and that policy reforms to boost manufacturing and export competitiveness seem the only way to reverse significant trade deficits.
Despite an increase in the number of independent schools the number of all schools in South Africa dropped between 2000 and 2010, according to the latest South Africa Survey, recently published by the South African Institute of Race Relations in Johannesburg.
25 April 2018 – South Africa must revise its many and complex environmental regulations if it is to attain effective environmental protection, together with a thriving mining sector capable of boosting economic and social progress, according to the IRR’s latest @Liberty report.
10 May 2018 – The latest report from the IRR, ‘Year One: How Julius Malema destroyed the NPA’s case against Jacob Zuma in 365 days’ examines the primary role played by the then ANC Youth League leader in the destruction of the National Prosecuting Authority’s original case against former President Zuma.