Media Releases

The IRR puts out in the region of 50 media releases annually drawing attention to its major research and policy findings.

In addition you are welcome, as a journalist, to contact an IRR analyst at any time to help you source a piece of information on South Africa. Contact us for more info.

No scientific basis to climate change scare

25 November 2015 – “Belief that mankind is changing the climate in a dangerous way has become a ruling ideology of today,” writes Andrew Kenny, an engineer and energy expert, in the latest issue of @Liberty, the policy bulletin of the IRR.

Man-made climate change is not a threat at all

24 November 2015 – “Our planet faces many environmental threats, such as over-fishing in our oceans and the devastation of wild animals in Africa. But manmade climate change is no threat at all.”

A looming water disaster that could have been avoided

10 November 2015 – South Africa’s water shortage is not simply the result of the current drought, says water expert Dr Anthony Turton in an analysis published today in @Liberty, the policy bulletin of the IRR (Institute of Race Relations).

IRR report warns on growth, incomes and disposable income and calls for return to GEAR

2 November 2015 – A report released by the IRR last week warned that South Africa is likely to enter a long-term period of low economic growth. The report features long-term trends for major economic indicators together with forecasts of GDP growth, per capita GDP, inflation, interest rates, the rand, and household disposable income levels up to 2019.

Housing vouchers to empower people

7 October 2015 – The solution to rising housing costs and poor delivery lies in what many people have been saying for years: that the State should transfer the housing subsidy directly to them, as they could use it more efficiently.

Housing Policy: Costly and Ineffective

6 October 2015 – In the past 21 years, the State has provided more than 2.5 million houses and a further 1.2 million serviced sites. "But at the same time," notes the IRR, "the housing backlog has grown from 1.5 million units in 1994 to 2.1 million units today. In addition, the number of informal settlements has expanded from 300 in 1994 to 2 225 now."

Biting the hands that feed us

3 September 2015 – The ruling African National Congress (ANC) seems intent on alienating the West and adopting a rigid pro-Russia and pro-China stance, says the IRR (Institute of Race Relations).