Health: Expand Access, Enrich Families
'#WhatSACanBe: 100 days to get SA back on track' is a series of nine short papers each focusing on a key policy area. Taken together, these papers offer a ...
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FreeFACTS - December 2022
Trade is an important way to grow an economy. In this edition of FreeFACTS it is argued that South Africa should focus on growing trade with the rest of the ...
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Public Finance: Revitalise Investment, Create Jobs
'#WhatSACanBe: 100 days to get SA back on track' is a series of nine short papers each focusing on a key policy area. Taken together, these papers offer a ...
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FreeFACTS - February 2023
This edition of FreeFACTS looks at the issue of inflation. Historical trends show that inflation is now relatively low, especially compared to the 1980s, but ...
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The IRR’s Blueprint for Growth 2: Slash waste, cut taxes
South Africa’s pro-poverty forces have over many years eroded the opportunities of South Africans to freely participate in a value-add economy where wealth is ...
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The IRR's Blueprint for Growth
The IRR’s Blueprint for Growth 2024
FreeFACTS - October 2023
This edition of FreeFACTS looks at the issue of poverty in South Africa, and shows how real per capita incomes are remaining stagnant while poverty levels are ...
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Friends In Need - Covid-19: How South Africa can save #LivesAndLivelihoods
25 March 2020 - This report provides detailed policy proposals on how South Africa can confront the grave challenges presented by the combined effects of the ...
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Occasional Reports
Going For Growth - Submission on Economic transformation, inclusive growth and competitiveness: Towards an Economic Strategy for South Africa
The IRR made a submission on the economic policy document released by the minister of finance, Tito Mboweni. Although the IRR broadly welcomes the document it ...
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Occasional Reports
Growth & Recovery: A Strategy to #GetSAWorking
18 August 2020 – This report argues that, with the right growth-enhancing policies in place, South Africa could target economic growth levels of 7% by the end ...
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Occasional Reports
Issue Alert: Equality of Outcomes and the Pepuda Amendment Bill
9 July 2021 – This report warns that proposed amendments to the Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act (Pepuda) of 2000 could ...
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Occasional Reports