The IRR’s Blueprint for Growth 2: Slash waste, cut taxes
South Africa’s pro-poverty forces have over many years eroded the opportunities of South Africans to freely participate in a value-add economy where wealth is created across all parts of the country. Instead, a wealth-destroying ideology has trapped millions in poverty, whilst empowering pro-poverty cronies, cadres, crooks, and comrades to pillage and plunder. waste, cut taxes(1).jpg
The IRR’s Blueprint for Growth 2: Slash waste, cut taxes
South Africa’s pro-poverty forces have over many years eroded the opportunities of South Africans to freely participate in a value-add economy where wealth is created across all parts of the country. Instead, a wealth-destroying ideology has trapped millions in poverty, whilst empowering pro-poverty cronies, cadres, crooks, and comrades to pillage and plunder.