What is the rule of LAW? | Part 2
In this episode of #TakingTheStand, Hermann and Ben of the FAN Justice team continues the chat about the meaning of the rule of law. What is equality before ...
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Where freedom fails people suffer | Freedom FANatics Ep. 36
After hearing the disgraceful news of the Gauteng Department of Health not paying medical interns for months, FAN turned up the heat to get the interns what ...
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Which is better - grants or jobs? | Freedom FANatics Ep. 58
With plans to increase Social Relief Distress grants, we look at whether or not grants are actually sustainable in SA. Then, we discuss the new pineapple logo ...
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Who do we VOTE for to SAVE South Africa? | Burning Questions EP. 14
In this episode of #BurningQuestions, the FAN team looks at two of the big issues in our democracy: why should you vote? And, who should you vote for to save ...
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Who governs the Government? | Burning Questions Ep. 49
"In South Africa, politicians have a tendency to believe they own the government. But, in reality, we, the ordinary folk, own the government and pay the ...
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Who is killing SA’s JOBS? | Burning Questions Ep. 8
In this episode of #BurningQuestions, Mbali and Hermann of the FAN team are joined by Bheki, an analyst for the Centre For Risk Analysis, to look at what ...
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Who is sabotaging non-racialism in South Africa? | Burning Questions Ep. 42
In this episode of #BurningQuestions 🔥 the FAN team looks at South Africa as a non-racial project. What is the state of race relations in the country and who ...
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Why BEE should be SCRAPPED | Burning Questions Ep. 40
A powerful quote from Phumlazi Majozi about the future of BEE gets the FAN team hyped up about why it's high time we got rid of race-based policies! Don't miss ...
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Why do property rights MATTER? | Burning Questions Ep 12
In this episode of #BurningQuestions🔥 Mbali and Hermann are joined by Marius Roodt as they discuss why property rights matter and why its about more than just ...
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Why do SA's politicians suck? | Burning Questions Ep. 7
In this episode of #BurningQuestions Mbali, Hermann, and Nick take a look at an age-old question: why do our politicians suck so much? The answer might ...
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