BEE: Limited benefits, widespread harm – Anthea Jeffery - Biznews
The IRR has recently been criticised for developing an Index of Race Law listing 317 racial Acts of Parliament adopted since Union in 1910.
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IRR in the Media
Beleaguered Eskom’s ‘equity’ drive is absurd – IRR calls for end to race law
South Africans have been the victims of rolling blackouts every day of 2023 thus far, in large part due to inadequate maintenance of electricity infrastructure ...
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IRR in the Media
Beware race-baiters wedging open the GNU - Politicsweb
The Government of National Unity is an eventuality that many of us had hoped would be avoided. As dire as governance under the ANC had become, it was at least ...
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IRR in the Media
Beyond black and white: why ‘aggressive’ pigment politics needs taming - Timeslive
15 November 2022 - Should race law be relaxed in SA? Eskom board member and former Altron CEO Mteto Nyati says yes, at least for Eskom.
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IRR in the Media
Big business exodus signals economic storm for SA: Ivo Vegter - Biznews
When even big business calls it quits on South Africa, we have to accept that the economic outlook is poor.
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IRR in the Media
Blind spot about poor’s needs hobbles comfy intelligentsia - Businesslive
16 August 2021 - Why is it so rare for the most comfortable, articulate and best-educated to grasp that what the poor want most of all is what they themselves ...
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IRR in the Media
BLM sekte se ware teken is klassieke liberale denke - Netwerk24
30 August 2020 - Wie de hel dink Minister Nathi Mthethwa is hy? Waar kom hy aan die idee dat hy engigsins amper die reg het om die vryhede van uitdrukking, ...
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IRR in the Media
Budget delay opportunity to cut VAT, and BEE premiums – IRR
The unprecedented delay in tabling the budget offers an opportunity for a profound rethink of fiscal priorities in South Africa.
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Budget for BEE cut
The IRR has requested that Treasury consider implementing a “maximum value-for-money” procurement policy, or at least publish a budgetary analysis of what ...
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IRR in the Media
By the few for the few; employment equity unpacked - Biznews
29 August 2019 - The EE Act is not only unconstitutional but also damaging to most South Africans. Instead of tightening it up, Mr Nxesi should be intent on ...
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