Letter: Will the ANC try to postpone 2024 elections? - BusinessLIVE
Allan Wolman asks whether the ANC, given its plummeting polling values, freshly minted state of disaster and steadfast friendship with Russia, might be ...
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IRR in the Media
Liberation of a special type - Politicsweb
21 March 2021 - Earlier this month Phumlani Majozi wrote on Politicsweb of the “heartbreaking” figures on “family breakdown” in South Africa. Citing Statistics ...
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IRR in the Media
Life in the Time of Cholera – the SA reality as ANC governance falls behind 19th Century civilisation - Biznews
The cholera outbreak in Hammanskraal, which has killed 21 people so far, is not only tragic but an ominous sign of the continuing disintegration of the South ...
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IRR in the Media
Looking beyond racism to the lived experience of millions - Businesslive
4 July 2021 - The richest irony of SA in 2021 is that turning a blind eye to the plight of the bulk of the country’s black majority is about the easiest and ...
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IRR in the Media
Los Orania-debat en fokus op SA se groei - Rapport
Oudregter Johan van der Westhuizen en prof. Koos Malan tree die laaste paar weke op hierdie blaaie tot die Orania-debat toe – grootliks deur mekaar van ...
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IRR in the Media
Mailbox: IRR’s Sara Gon replies to Lord Peter Hain – Before anyone can vote, people have to be persuaded to register - Biznews
BizNews reported that former UK minister and anti-apartheid campaigner, Lord Peter Hain, gave a lecture recently to commemorate the police murder of ...
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IRR in the Media
Making a co-operative government work in SA: Terence Corrigan - Biznews
Last month’s election delivered South Africa to a vastly different reality from what had existed before. Between this writing and your reading, the ...
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IRR in the Media
Making coalitions work: weight of responsibility rests on ANC - News24
Prior to 2016, coalitions in South Africa were a comparative rarity, with the two most high-profile examples being the DA-led coalition which secured victory ...
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IRR in the Media
Making moonshot pact - The Citizen
The parties in and around the Democratic Alliance DA's proposed moonshot pact have been rocked by another bad week of infighting in the Johannesburg council.
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IRR in the Media
Makone Maja: Action SA’s Tshwane miscalculation – Gauteng’s voters are gatvol - Biznews
In this interview, a rising star among political analysts, IRR campaign manager Makone Maja, unpacks the latest developments in the ‘spectator sport’ that is ...
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