Letter: Huge challenges ahead - Business Day
The cabinet having been appointed, SA’s attention now turns to whether the new government can work.
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Andrew Kenny: Who else does the ANC expect South Africans to blame? - Biznews
The DA has decided that our electricity calamity is a political issue. Good. Electricity is now a political issue; it wasn’t before 1994; the ANC has made it ...
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IRR in the Media
Letter: Mbalula is too Mba to be a Lula - Business Day
Yacoob Abba Omar writes that Fikile Mbalula could be ushering in a “Lula moment” for the ANC (“Is this the ANC’s ‘Lula moment’ or just a ‘Mbalula blip’?”, ...
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Mayhem in the Metros - Biznews
South African ratepayers are in despair as mayoral musical chairs and coalition dramas have led to chaotic governance in many a metro. In this interview with ...
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OPINION | Gabriel Crouse: Was Steenhuisen aware of Roman Cabanac's racist remarks? - News24
DA leader John Steenhuisen's time as agriculture minister has been fairly quiet, but this headline landed with a clang: "Steenhuisen appoints controversial ...
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Malema’s threats of force and the liberal order’s rules of the game - Politicsweb
‘Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words shall never hurt me,’ is a crucially important lesson that all parents and educators must continue to teach ...
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South Africa’s decentralisation movement: Power to the provinces - Biznews
Both federation and devolution are concepts of political decentralisation. The pitfalls of centralisation have been well-documented, but briefly, when a ...
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Competence, not colour, the key to progress for all - Post
Andile Mngxitama made headlines recently when he raised the alarm that South Africa might soon - shock, horror! - have a white president again if a coalition ...
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Steenhuisen's warning about an ANC-EFF coalition is far from fearmongering - News24
In her recent column, Melanie Verwoerd pooh-poohed the threat of an ANC-EFF coalition coming to power next year.
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South Africa’s democracy faces scrutiny amid ANC’s controversial choices - Biznews
By far the greatest measure of democracy is the ability of the people to kick out the ruling party in a free election. In South Africa, we have that ability. ...
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