Letter: Expropriation without compensation will take South Africa to the brink - The Star
13 November 2020 - The imminent court appearance of ANC secretary general Ace Magashule on corruption charges risks being misjudged as a significant step in ...
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IRR in the Media
Letter: Letter: It's not corruption alone that puts the lights out - Financial Mail
The FM quotes the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) as saying that load-shedding is ‘a direct result of corruption at Eskom’ (‘Milking the Eskom cow’, 6 ...
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Letter: SA can’t afford to lose its skills, entrepreneurs and taxpayers - BusinessLIVE
Both Bjorn Lomberg’s analysis of migration (“Global skilled migration could mitigate inequality”, May 9) and Randall Carolissen’s response (“Global skills ...
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Letter: To grow the economy requires doing exactly what Duma Gqubule dismisses - Businesslive
29 March 2022 - Duma Gqubule calls on the government to open the spending taps, in the hope that this will ignite GDP growth and draw private investment along ...
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Living like rock stars: SA’s government officials enjoy lavish perks at taxpayers’ expense – Ivo Vegter - Biznews
Scrutiny often falls on the infamous Ministerial Handbook, which prescribes the opulent benefits to which the useless fat cats in cabinet are entitled.
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Met NGV sal ongekende vlakke van korrupsie plaasvind - Rapport
Oplettende lesers van die nasionale tesourie se 2023-begrotingsoorsig, ’n gepoleerde dokument van 280 bladsye wat Suid-Afrika se staatsfinansies in oorvloedige ...
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MICHAEL MORRIS: From Elizabeth I to corrupt SA, stunting new ideas comes at a cost - Business Day
In their expansive account of economic history, Why Nations Fail, Daron Acemoglu and James A Robinson provide a vivid glimpse of the cost of overweening power ...
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MICHAEL MORRIS: Uncivilised conduct now ordinary and acceptable - Business Day
SA proved itself once again to be a country of diminishing surprises on Friday when we learnt that, as former president Jacob Zuma hadn’t been “feeling well” ...
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Minister is out of touch with reality on guns – IRR
24 May 2021 - The IRR will oppose moves by the government to restrict the use of firearms for self-defence.
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Mounting tax-boycott threat triggered by graft, rising taxes could bring down the government – IRR
3 March 2021 - In a memorandum delivered to the Presidency this morning, the IRR warns that the government is facing a near inevitable tax and investment ...
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