How did South Africa's public service get where it is today? How can it be improved? This paper considers the future of public service and outlines what the government would need to do to ensure that it fulfils the mandate set out in the Constitution, which is to maintain a high ethical standard, deliver services in an impartial manner and promote effective, efficient and economic use of resources.
The IRR’s Blueprint for Growth
For two decades, supporters of Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) have insisted that race-based measures are needed to overcome the effects of apartheid – but the facts show that BEE has failed. Far from helping, BEE has proved to be one of the biggest obstacles to growth in South Africa. It has enriched an elite few while keeping millions in poverty. It disincentivises employment, growth, and investment. It is time for an alternative.
South Africa’s pro-poverty forces have over many years eroded the opportunities of South Africans to freely participate in a value-add economy where wealth is created across all parts of the country. Instead, a wealth-destroying ideology has trapped millions in poverty, whilst empowering pro-poverty cronies, cadres, crooks, and comrades to pillage and plunder.
Most South Africans are not happy with the way the country is going. Unemployment, inequality, and poverty have been on the rise for over a decade. Infrastructure is collapsing, investors are pulling out, and the cost of living is rising. The IRR's latest report, written by our CEO Dr John Endres, and titled “The IRR’s Blueprint for Growth: Arming SA's Pro-Growth Forces”, lays the groundwork for the new Blueprint for Growth series which will show how South Africa can achieve economic growth.