IRR Submission to the Department of Social Development, regarding the Amended Regulations of 2022 to the Social Assistance Act of 2004
11 March 2022 – In this submission on the Amended Regulations of 2022 to the Social Assistance Act of 2004, the IRR warns that if the Regulations are adopted in their current form, the fiscal cliff will draw closer, growth will wither further, public debt and interest payments will expand, unemployment will worsen, and the jobless poor are likely to become ever more dependent on shrinking social grants that cannot be maintained. Logo - Low res.jpg
IRR Submission to the Department of Social Development, regarding the Amended Regulations of 2022 to the Social Assistance Act of 2004
11 March 2022 – In this submission on the Amended Regulations of 2022 to the Social Assistance Act of 2004, the IRR warns that if the Regulations are adopted in their current form, the fiscal cliff will draw closer, growth will wither further, public debt and interest payments will expand, unemployment will worsen, and the jobless poor are likely to become ever more dependent on shrinking social grants that cannot be maintained.