How ready will South Africa be for the 2024 Elections

Michael Atkins offers a comprehensive analysis of the challenges arising from the 2024 national and provincial poll, arguably South Africa’s most important election since 1994.

This report looks at the readiness of the IEC ahead of next year’s national and provincial elections. It highlights a number of key issues and risks which could pose a threat to South Africa’s electoral system.

Atkins writes: “The 2024 elections are taking place in a context of worldwide challenges to democratic practice and a marked increase in disinformation. Domestically, social, economic, and political tensions have significantly heightened expectations concerning these elections. Coalitions are the topic of much debate, as is the need for ‘rules’ governing their formation and conduct.

“All of this contributes to the pressure and responsibility placed on the IEC in conducting free and fair elections. However, there are also many proactive steps that political parties, the media, and civil society can take to ensure the elections are free, smooth and credible.”

Amongst other topics, this report provides a deep dive into: 

  • Distinctive challenges posed by the 2024 elections
  • The capacity and readiness of the Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC)
  • Implications of changes to the Electoral Act and independent candidates
  • The impact of global democratic challenges and rising disinformation
  • Social, economic, and political tensions in the lead-up to the elections
  • Debates around coalition formation and conduct rules

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