FreeFACTS - October 2020
23 November 2020 - This edition of FreeFACTS looks at corruption in South Africa. It looks at how South Africa’s ranking on the Corruption Perceptions Index has declined and the vast amounts of money that have been lost die to wasteful expenditure. It argues that corruption is effectively stealing South Africa’s future and citizens must make it clear that there must be a zero-tolerance attitude to corruption. — FreeFACTS — October 2020 (Draft) (20.11.2020)-1.jpg
FreeFACTS - October 2020
23 November 2020 - This edition of FreeFACTS looks at corruption in South Africa. It looks at how South Africa’s ranking on the Corruption Perceptions Index has declined and the vast amounts of money that have been lost die to wasteful expenditure. It argues that corruption is effectively stealing South Africa’s future and citizens must make it clear that there must be a zero-tolerance attitude to corruption.