The suspension of face-to-face classes excluded the Faculty of Health Sciences and the Graduate School of Business. But for the rest “blended learning models would be implemented to allow for teaching off campus.”
Our own writing in the media
5 February 2018 - The Nazi-era Eichmanns of the world take human fallibility to frightening depths,
John Kane-Berman, the Institute's CEO, says that, "Despite its own warning, the NDP favours minimum benefits over and above what the constitution requires. At the same time, the ANC is busy reducing job prospects for unemployed youngsters."
Unemployment is South Africa’s most serious unresolved problem, say ordinary South Africans. Racism barely features as an issue of this kind. And only nine people out of roughly 2 250 identify land reform as an important problem that still needs to be resolved.
The African National Congress (ANC) has been canny in proposing 12 000 hectares as the maximum amount of land that farmers may own. Though this may not suffice to farm successfully in the Karoo, it is enough to meet the needs of many farmers. By contrast, if a cap of 500 hectares had been proposed, this would have sparked an uproar and cast doubt on the country’s food security.
Sara Gon says media coverage has failed to clarify what is really happening and who is to blame
The question that has been raised this week is whether it is possible to increase funding for universities. Most mainstream analysts, commentators in the media, and the higher education minister have suggested it is not. However, analysis by the South African Institute of Race Relations suggests it is, if government spending priorities can be adjusted.
Unprotected strikes allow management to dismiss strikers. The time has long been reached where Pikitup should have dismissed the strikers.
17 February 2018 - Even the DRC is seen as a better mining investment destination than SA, but that can be changed
By changing the methods that firms use to advise their clients, one of the obstacles to investor success can be largely overcome.
MEMBERS of Parliament sitting on its justice committee were recently reported to have been "visibly shocked" at evidence of corruption and incompetence.
Water and electricity is being rationed. The shortage of medical supplies is so high that the United Nations has been asked for assistance. Thirty percent of children are malnourished. In 2016, the average citizen lost nearly 9 kilograms in weight.
Ek het twee weke gelede geskryf oor Lizzie van Zyl, die Boeredogtertjie wat in Mei 1901 in ’n Bloemfonteinse konsentrasiekamp aan verhongering gesterf het op die ouderdom van sewe jaar.
Numerous types of chickens are coming home to roost in South Africa. During their long campaign to win power by making the country ungovernable via a no-holds-barred "people’s war", the ruling alliance made up of the African National Congress (ANC), the South African Communist Party and the Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu), injected into the bloodstream of the body politic a virus of violence that they cannot now eradicate.
BEE is thus deterring direct investment and promoting capital flight. It is a key part of the reason economic growth has been negative in per capita terms for the past three years. In addition, far from empowering the disadvantaged, BEE helps only a small elite. This has once again been confirmed by a comprehensive opinion poll commissioned by the Institute of Race Relations (IRR) and carried out in September 2016
Pres. Jacob Zuma het onlangs, onder politieke druk en om aandag aan die polisiemoorde te gee, voorgestel dat Suid-Afrika “ontwapen” word.
The 1994 transition liberated black South Africans from oppression, but also liberated whites, writes Frans Cronje.