Our own writing in the media

SA begins to feel the costs of capitulation - 16th April 2009

John Kane-Berman wrote in Business Day today that, "The costs to the country, if not yet all apparent, will be great. By dropping the charges against Zuma on so flimsy a pretext, the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) looks both cowardly and ridiculous. Who of independent mind will now wish to join this body?"

SA on edge of a skills cliff – The Herald, 29 December 2015

The last generations of South Africans that include a significant proportion of highly skilled personnel, whether employed in the public or private sectors, are reaching retirement. The large numbers of academics, doctors, dentists, welders, engineers, plumbers and electricians of the 1950s and 1960s moving into retirement will bring South Africa to a skills cliff.

SA’s trade vulnerabilities exposed – BizNews.com, 27 November 2014

Balance is a prized quality in all our affairs. Including a nation’s trade. Being too heavily exposed one way or another exposes vulnerabilities that incentivise mischief. In this fascinating insight, Frans Cronje of the Institute of Race Relations dives into details of South Africa’s trade account with individual countries to expose some disturbing trends. In the process, reminding us of the realities which should be shaping the country’s diplomatic policy.