Our own writing in the media

Put education first to transform economy - News24, 04 June 2017

Aside from a universal basic income, a sound way to safeguard a basic level of income for the greatest number of people is to ensure they can be productive participants in the economy by ensuring access to quality education to a minimum level of completion

Racial quotas: Some questions for the DA - Politicsweb, 21 November 2016

DA: This is still being designed and determined, so it would be premature to discuss details before they are adopted by the party’s executive. The overall objective is that we want all DA structures to be intentional about recruiting and mentoring excellent black activists, whom will feed through into the talent pool for the DA’s candidate select

Radically transforming transformation - Politicsweb, 05 June 2017

This policy was adopted before the ANC came to power, and has been implemented incrementally since 1994 via a series of racial preferencing laws. Proposed amendments to the mining charter to increase black ownership from 26% to 30% are just the next step. So are all the latest land reform-proposals.

Ramaphosa can and must act against corruption - Politicsweb

19 February 2018 - One of those who made it clear last week that the African National Congress (ANC) was ready to vote with opposition parties against Mr Zuma was the finance minister, Malusi Gigaba. Since Mr Gigaba was one of Mr Zuma's chief instruments of state capture when he was minister of public enterprises between 2010 and 2014, this no doubt prompted Mr Zuma to mutter "Et tu, Brute?" as Mr Gigaba thrust in the knife.

Ramaphosa may have last laugh: Why Maimane’s comments risk backfiring – BizNews

6 December 2017 - Mr Maimane went on to suggest that the most important difference between the DA and the African National Congress (ANC) was that the DA “will be able to actually implement these policies”. He has got this exactly back to front. In the event that he becomes the next leader of the ANC, Mr Ramaphosa is far more likely to be able to implement growth (and other) policies than the DA. This is for the simple reason that an ANC led by Mr Ramaphosa is much more likely to win the 2019 national election than is the DA.