EWC timetable makes a mockery of constitutional commitment to public participation – IRR
1 November 2019 - The Ad Hoc Committee to Initiate and Introduce Legislation Amending Section 25 of the Constitution has set out its proposed timetable for the drafting of this constitutional amendment bill. It plans to give the public a scant four weeks – carefully timed to coincide with the December holidays – to comment on the bill.
https://admin.irr.org.za/@@site-logo/IRR Logo - Low res.jpg
EWC timetable makes a mockery of constitutional commitment to public participation – IRR
1 November 2019 - The Ad Hoc Committee to Initiate and Introduce Legislation Amending Section 25 of the Constitution has set out its proposed timetable for the drafting of this constitutional amendment bill. It plans to give the public a scant four weeks – carefully timed to coincide with the December holidays – to comment on the bill.