Countering the hate propagated by Julius Malema is our collective responsibility – IRR
28 March 2019 - The South African public needs to be clear about one thing: Julius Malema propagates and encourages hate. It is directed against minorities. It is dangerous. And it must be condemned. The great risk we run is sliding into a debate about the kind of hate he advocates and its technical or legal character. It is hate and that is what should be of concern. Logo - Low res.jpg
Countering the hate propagated by Julius Malema is our collective responsibility – IRR
28 March 2019 - The South African public needs to be clear about one thing: Julius Malema propagates and encourages hate. It is directed against minorities. It is dangerous. And it must be condemned. The great risk we run is sliding into a debate about the kind of hate he advocates and its technical or legal character. It is hate and that is what should be of concern.