Latest from the IRR

Economic growth the only way to escape shoddy state houses - Business Day, 9th May 2011.

In his fortnightly column in Business Day, CEO of the South African Institute of Race Relations, John Kane-Berman, argues, "It is not often that the government puts a price tag on failed policies, but that is what the Department of Human Settlements recently did with nepotism, cadre deployment, affirmative action, "tenderpreneurship" and general corruption in subsidised housing under the reconstruction and development programme (RDP)."

Imperative to root out arms deal corruption - 5 May 2011.pdf

“President Jacob Zuma has a constitutional obligation to take effective action against corruption. This includes the corruption which appears to have accompanied the 1999 arms deal,” says the South African Institute of Race Relations (the Institute), which has been admitted as an amicus curiae (friend of the court) in a case before the Constitutional Court today.

Press release: "Imperative to root out arms deal corruption" - SAIRR, 5 May 2011.

“President Jacob Zuma has a constitutional obligation to take effective action against corruption. This includes the corruption which appears to have accompanied the 1999 arms deal,” says the South African Institute of Race Relations (the Institute), which has been admitted as an amicus curiae (friend of the court) in a case before the Constitutional Court today.

Press Release: Meaningless assurances - 8th March 2011.

In an attempt at damage control, President Jacob Zuma has sought to assure coloured people in the Western Cape and Indians in KwaZulu-Natal that the Employment Equity Amendment Bill does not mean what it says, states the South African Institute of Race Relations.

Press Release: Jimmy Manyi is likely to have the last laugh - 2 March 2011.

Minister in the Presidency Trevor Manuel has rightly repudiated government spokesman Jimmy Manyi for his statement that coloured people are ‘over-concentrated’ in the Western Cape. So too has the African National Congress (ANC). But the Government of which Manuel is part is still planning to enact a bill that could cause coloured people to move out of the Western Cape if they want work, says the South African Institute of Race Relations.

Press Release: ANC job figures don't add up - 21 February 2011.

Many of the sectors the Government has recently marked out for massive job creation have been shedding jobs for years. This alone casts doubts on the feasibility of the State’s projections for new jobs, according to the South African Institute of Race Relations.

Press Release: Statement by the SAIRR on the police's commitment to fight criminality in its ranks - 15 February 2011.

Yesterday morning the Institute released a report titled Broken Blue Line – The Involvement of the South African Police Force in Serious and Violent Crime. The report accessed the extent to which police officers where often themselves implicated in committing serious and violent crimes. It also suggested a number of policy proposals to assist the police in dealing with the problem.