Latest from the IRR

The Patent Rights Grab

29 October 2014 - The State is seeking wide powers to take or bypass patent rights. Patents are important because they help to quicken the growth rate, generate jobs, and counter poverty.

EFF lacks understanding of economic freedom – IRR

14 October 2014 - True economic freedom stimulates investment and employment. It makes for faster economic growth and increased prosperity for all, including the poorest 10%. The EFF's call to expropriate land and nationalise mines, banks, and other businesses shows that it has no understanding of economic freedom.

BEE: Helping or Hurting?

6 October 2014 – Is black economic empowerment (BEE) achieving its goal of correcting past injustices and opening up opportunities for black South Africans?

South Africa on brink of an e-revolution – IRR report

30 September 2014 – The report found that access to electronic communications devices and infrastructure and the use of electric communications had increased far faster than the delivery of any other type of basic service.

Liberation for the ‘born frees’

10 September 2014 – A voucher system for school education would do more than anything else to liberate South Africa's generation of ‘born frees’.

Give all pupils school vouchers worth R12 000 each!

South Africa should introduce a comprehensive system of educational vouchers to level the educational playing field, says the IRR. The vouchers – which could be spent solely on education – would be tantamount to a universal bursary system.

Fantasties, fun and the mass production of black millionaires – Business Day, 25 August 2014

THE more the government fails with the basics, the more it takes refuge in fantasy. It cannot keep the lights on, stop rhino poaching, or get the teachers it employs to spend more than three hours a day in class, but it will now mass-produce black industrialists and black farmers. That’s in addition to achieving "energy sovereignty", setting up a Brics bank, establishing our own shipping fleet, and creating a "mining champion".

It is not enough to condemn culprits when babies die - Business Day, 30 June 2014

"Condemn us when children die of contaminated water." That, according to Cyril Ramaphosa, deputy president of the African National Congress (ANC) and the country, is one of the media's jobs. He was speaking on 20 June at the annual Nat Nakasa award for courageous journalism hosted by the South African National Editors' Forum.

The best and the worst

Seven of the top ten performing municipalities, based on service delivery indicators, are in the Western Cape. Eight of the ten worst performing municipalities are in the Eastern Cape.