FAN Media

Explainer: How Municipal Elections Work
Aug 16, 2021

Your municipal vote is one of the most important that you will cast. The way votes determine your local council is complicated, so we've broken it down step by step just for you.

Race Hustlers are trying to weaken South Africa
Tariq Khan
Aug 15, 2021

South Africa has entered into a phase in its modern history where jobs are scarce, and life is becoming increasingly difficult. Due to this, some politicians will try to benefit from our frustrations by polarising communities through race hustling. As people who care about the future of our country, we should guard against this because South Africa’s strength lies in the diversity of its individuals.

Top myths about South Africa’s past
Nicholas Lorimer
Aug 14, 2021

“Those who control the present, control the past and those who control the past control the future.” This is a quote from George Orwell’s book, 1984. In this vain, Nicholas Lorimer debunks some often told myths about South Africa’s history, empowering you to look more closely at SA’s past and consider how it continues to impact the present.

If not BEE then WHAT? | Burning Questions Ep. 11
Aug 11, 2021

On this episode of #BurningQuestions the FAN team is joined by Bheki Mahlobo - an Analyst at the CRA as they discuss what the alternatives are to BEE and specifically NEED (Non-racial Economic Empowerment for the Disadvantaged), a policy developed by The Institute of Race Relations.