FAN Media

Race is a myth
Tariq Khan
Nov 06, 2021

The National Party sought to inculcate a culture of fear among white voters by talking about “die swart gevaar”. Today many politicians continue to exploit racial identities for political gain.

ANC Cadre Deployment: What is it?
Duwayne Esau
Oct 31, 2021

Cadre deployment policy could be more accurately described as the cadre employment policy. It keeps ANC cadres employed while eroding the quality of our civil service.

Justice and Social Justice: Part 6 | Taking The Stand Ep. 21
Oct 28, 2021

In this episode of #TakingTheStand, Hermann is joined by Caiden of the EDONTI project to take a look at the post-modern origins of the Social Justice idea of Critical Race Theory. How was this "anti-white" idea born from the works of white European philosophers? And what does this mean for the integrity of Critical Race Theory? #CRT #TakingTheStand #Freedom #Race #Whiteness #Blackness #NonRacialism #QDK #BLM