9 Disturbing Quotes by Race Hustlers in South Africa

Race hustlers are divisive figures who try to divide South Africa. Here are some of the nasty, racial comments that have been over the years. Their condescending remarks assume that we’re aren’t smart enough to see through these empty, silly remarks.

Race hustlers are divisive figures who try to divide South Africa. Here are some of the nasty, racial comments that have been over the years. Their condescending remarks assume that we’re aren’t smart enough to see through these empty, silly remarks.

  1. “Even some Africans, who become too clever, take a position, they become the most eloquent in criticizing themselves about their own traditions and everything.”

- Jacob Zuma in November 2012.

  1. “Indians had all sorts of resources Africans didn’t have, coloureds as well. The majority of Indians are racist. I’m not saying all, I’m saying majority.”

- Julius Malema, 2018.

  1. “Coloured people who vote for opposition parties are ‘coconuts’.”

- Former Sports Minister, Ncgonde Balfour, 2001.

  1. “Even if you apply any kind of lotion and straighten your hair you will never be white”.

- Jacob Zuma, 2012.

  1. “White privilege is a bigger enemy than Zuma.”

- Columnist Max du Preez, November 2016.

  1. “We are not calling for the slaughtering of white people, at least for now.”

- Julius Malema, 2019.

  1. “If you don’t vote, the Boers will come back to control us.”

- Cyril Ramaphosa, 2013.

  1. “There is an Indian agenda to undermine Africans and that agenda is led by Pravin Gordhan. It has been like that for years. That cabal, if you tamper with it, you will become hobo in this country.”

- Julius Malema, 2021.

  1. “Sorry to offend but in my books Blacks were the architects of Apartheid.”

-Steve Hofmeyer, 2014.

The comments made by race hustlers are damaging for South Africa’s democracy. Instead of trying to unite South Africa’s multicultural, diverse society, they are trying to create more hatred and division amongst the population. They babble on and on about the need for transformation, while trying very hard to keep the wounds of our country’s past open. Race hustlers should be called out when they make racially divisive statements and it must be made clear that South Africans will not accept it.