Health: Expand Access, Enrich Families
'#WhatSACanBe: 100 days to get SA back on track' is a series of nine short papers each focusing on a key policy area. Taken together, these papers offer a ...
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IRR Full Submission NHI and MSA Bills
28 September 2018 - Pressing ahead with National Health Insurance (NHI) will steadily undermine South Africa’s excellent private healthcare system, and ...
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Submissions on Proposed Legislation
IRR Submission to the Treasury: On National Health Insurance (NHI)
25 November 2024 - In this submission to the National Treasury the IRR calls for an assessment of taxpayer-flight risks linked to the NHI, that value-for-money ...
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Submissions on Proposed Legislation
IRR Submission, NHI Bill [B11B-2019] 15 September 2023
The IRR submission to various legislative bodies raises serious issues with the proposed NHI Bill and proposes a number of solutions to achieve universal ...
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Submissions on Proposed Legislation
South Africa's NHI Scheme
18 September 2018 - This report lays bare the appalling scale of deficiency, mismanagement, negligence and corruption in the public health sector which the ...
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Occasional Reports
What's wrong with the golden promise of NHI?
21 August 2018 - The government claims that its proposed National Health Insurance (NHI) system will reduce the costs of healthcare and provide all South ...
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Occasional Reports
What’s wrong with the golden promise of NHI?
Read the IRR’s updated proposal to solve the South African healthcare crisis.
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Occasional Reports