The IRR's Better Expropriation Bill – 22 April 2015
The Expropriation Bill of 2015, which was released by the minister of public works, Thulas Nxesi, in January this year, is unconstitutional and economically ...
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Occasional Reports
Empowering the State, Impoverishing the People
20 June 2018 – ‘Empowering the State, Impoverishing the People’ is a report the IRR today released in Washington in the United States to advance its campaign ...
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Occasional Reports
Submission to the Select Committee on Transport, Public Service and Administration, Public Works and Infrastructure, National Council of Provinces, regarding the Expropriation Bill [B23B-2020] 3 March 2023 (revised 25 September 2023)
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Submissions on Proposed Legislation
Fact checking the Expropriation Bill: Not so much an explanation but a justification - News24
8 March 2021 - The "Fact Check", published on 26 February, plays off the campaign by the DA to mobilise against the Expropriation Bill; it seems, though, to be ...
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IRR in the Media
Grond: Verslaan tweede aanval só saam - Netwerk24
4 September 2022 - Dit is die werk van die strateeg om sy kanse op sukses te maksimaliseer. Die oogmerk word dikwels bereik deur die uitvoering van twee ...
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IRR in the Media
Letter: Land reform a romantic sentiment - Businesslive
28 April 2022 - Tshepo Diale’s contribution (Land isn’t everything; it’s the only thing, 21 April) repeats the assertion that land politics are central to ...
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IRR in the Media
“Expropriation, custodianship are not ideas that are – or will be – limited to land”, says IRR’s Corrigan - Biznews
2 July 2021 - With the ANC having declared itself in favour of a provision for the custodianship of ‘certain’ land as part of its preferred formulation for the ...
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IRR in the Media
IRR Submission to the Select Committee on Transport, Public Service and Administration, Public Works and Infrastructure, National Council of Provinces, regarding the Expropriation Bill [B23-2020]
In this submission the IRR demands that the Bill be thoroughly amended to come in line with, inter alia, Section 25, 33, and 34 of the Constitution by deleting ...
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Submissions on Proposed Legislation
The 7 Economic Pillars of the EFF
The South African political party the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) claims to fight for what it conceives to be 'economic freedom'. Its conception of ...
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Occasional Reports
Property Rights Deprived at Agricultural CPAs: Prescribed assets and expropriation without compensation for communal property association landowners
Communal Property Rights (CPA) landowners have been deprived of the opportunity to improve their lives, barred from leasing or selling land without the ...
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