@Liberty - ‘Re-imagining the mining industry’
16 August 2016 - The Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) says it wants to ‘re-imagine the mining industry’ and turn it into ‘a sun- rise one for 100 years to ...
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@Liberty - “Pearls before swine, Johnnyboy’’
3 March 2014 - The first issue of @Liberty, published on 13th February 2014, carried the Institute’s twelve-point plan for a better South Africa. Reaction to a ...
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@Liberty - Back to the drawing board on mining law
4 October 2016
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@Liberty - Capitalism, Caviar, and the Battle of Ideas - no6
17 April 2014 - South Africa’s private sector makes a larger contribution to the country than is usually acknowledged. Apart from investment, growth, jobs, and ...
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@Liberty - Delivering on ‘radical’ change, if not on growth or jobs
26 March 2014 - In August 2012 the Cabinet adopted the National Development Plan (NDP) as South Africa’s policy blueprint from now until 2030.
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@Liberty - Economic Freedom - The Key to Prosperity
14 October 2014 - True economic freedom stimulates investment and employment. It makes for faster economic growth and increased prosperity for all, including ...
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@Liberty - Grounding Growth: Finding the right balance between mining and the environment
25 April 2018 – South Africa must revise its many and complex environmental regulations if it is to attain effective environmental protection, together with a ...
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@Liberty – Diamonds and All That: The Contribution of Mining to South Africa
15 February 2017 – South Africa's mining industry must start blowing its own trumpet. The mining sector does not get the credit it deserves for its ...
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@Liberty - Steering Mining into the Future: can the mining industry prepare itself for a reinvigorated tomorrow?
18 July 2019 - This @Liberty report analyses the state of the country’s mining industry, what current trends reveal about it, and how it might be rejuvenated.
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@Liberty - Mining and People: The impact of mining on the South African economy and living standards
6 February 2018 - Although the mining sector no longer dominates the South African economy as it once did, mining accounts for a major proportion of the ...
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