@Liberty - Privatisation or bust
20 September 2016 - Well-run companies are seldom in the news. They satisfy the needs of their customers, making profi ts as a result. Some of South Africa’s ...
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@Liberty - South Africa: A 12-point plan for prosperity
13 February 2014 - The National Development Plan (NDP) is the latest in a series of government plans to accelerate growth and increase employment. However, ...
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@Liberty - Steering Mining into the Future: can the mining industry prepare itself for a reinvigorated tomorrow?
18 July 2019 - This @Liberty report analyses the state of the country’s mining industry, what current trends reveal about it, and how it might be rejuvenated.
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@Liberty - Steering Mining into the future: can the mining industry prepare itself for a reinvigorated tomorrow?
18 July 2019 - This @Liberty report analyses the state of the country’s mining industry, what current trends reveal about it, and how it might be rejuvenated.
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@Liberty - The 2018 Draft Mining Charter: Transformation Trumps Sustainability
22 June 2018 - The latest @Liberty report from the Institute of Race Relations (IRR), provides a detailed assessment of the 2018 Draft Mining Charter, warning ...
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@Liberty - The September 2018 Mining Charter: An improvement, but transformation still trumps sustainability
17 April 2019 – This report makes the case for reducing government interference in the mining industry to enable it to contribute more effectively to ...
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@Liberty – Circular economies – Turning waste into worth
21 October 2015 – Significant economic and environmental benefits could accrue to South Africa and to poor communities, in particular, if waste policy was more ...
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@Liberty – Diamonds and All That: The Contribution of Mining to South Africa
15 February 2017 – South Africa's mining industry must start blowing its own trumpet. The mining sector does not get the credit it deserves for its ...
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@Liberty – Free trade: A blessing reviled
25 May 2017 – In a paper released in Johannesburg today, the IRR said that trade liberalisation had helped to lift hundreds of millions of people out of ...
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@Liberty – The DTI versus TRIPS and Doha
12 November 2014 – The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) is pushing ahead with proposals to bypass and undermine patents in the health sector and beyond.
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