Things to watch in 2022 that could make or break FREEDOM in South Africa: Numba 2 – NHI
The NHI is really nothing less than a cash grab that’ll be run into the ground like almost everything the government is supposed to manage. Think SAA. Think ...
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Things to watch in 2022 that could make or break FREEDOM in South Africa: Numba 3 – Whose economy is it anyway?
If we think about it, it should be obvious that an economy is more ecosystem than anything else: it’s the collection of all the choices of living things in it ...
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Things to watch in 2022 that could make or break FREEDOM in South Africa: Numba 1 - Coalition governments
This situation of minority governments makes for nerve-wrecking politics. For all the things that a majority in a local government council are needed, like ...
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This ANC proposal will be a disaster for sport in South African schools
If the ANC gets its way, it would strip parents of their ability to ensure that their children have the best chance to play sport at school.
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This is why handing out more social grants is a bad idea
Dependence on state-provided welfare should not be a replacement for work, because it undermines individual responsibility and the inherent freedom that comes ...
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Three constitutional values that clash with SA government policies
While the purpose of a policy stance like BEE – to correct historical injustices – may be reasonable, it remains that such a policy position undermines the ...
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Three lessons for South Africa from Margaret Thatcher's commitment to economic liberty
The United Kingdom's first female Prime Minister was renowned for her promotion of economic and political freedom. Some lessons from her key policies and ...
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Top myths about South Africa’s past
“Those who control the present, control the past and those who control the past control the future.” This is a quote from George Orwell’s book, 1984. In this ...
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Voting 101: What happens on the election day
What will happen on election day? Your chance to vote for who will be in charge of your local municipality is now only a month away. The election date is set ...
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Voting empowers you to influence the future
According to research by the South African Institute of Race Relations, over 20 million South Africans did not vote in the 2019 elections.
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