Objections to procedural and substantive flaws as regards the Restitution of Land Rights Amendment Bill of 2017
29 June 2018 – This is the IRR’s response to a new bill, aimed at re-opening the land claims process for five years, which is just as flawed as the similar ...
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Submissions on Proposed Legislation
Petition to President on Expropriation Bill – 27 May 2016
Petition to President on Expropriation Bill – 27 May 2016
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Submissions on Proposed Legislation
Submission on Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act: BEE should be scrapped, not reformed - 4th December 2012.
Black economic empowerment (BEE) is currently governed, in the main, by the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act of 2003 (the Act) along with the generic ...
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Submissions on Proposed Legislation
Submission on the Employment Equity Amendment Bill. Employment equity: Stricter rules and bigger fines put firms and jobs at risk - 23rd January 2013.
Proposed new provisions under the Employment Equity Amendment Bill (the EE Bill) of 2012 could see many firms fined severely for failing to meet unrealistic ...
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Submissions on Proposed Legislation
Representations to the Department of Mineral Resources, regarding the minister’s proposed moratorium on the granting, renewal, or transfer of prospecting and mining rights
As set out in a Notice in the Government Gazette (No 40989) on 19th July 2017
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Submissions on Proposed Legislation
Submission on the Licensing of Businesses Bill of 2013 - 22nd April 2013.
The Licensing of Businesses Bill of 2013 was tabled for public comment by Rob Davies, minister of trade and industry, in the Government Gazette on 18th March ...
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Submissions on Proposed Legislation
Submission on the Draft Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Bill of 2012 - 13th March 2013.
The draft Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Bill of 2012 (the Bill) seeks, among other things, to ‘remove ambiguities that exist within the Mineral ...
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Submissions on Proposed Legislation
Restitution of Land Rights Amendment Bill – Revised submission
19 May 2017 – South African Institute of Race Relations NPC SUBMISSION to the Speaker of the National Assembly regarding the proposed Restitution of Land ...
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Submissions on Proposed Legislation
South African Institute of Race Relations NPC (IRR) Submission to the Department of Public Works regarding the Draft Expropriation Bill of 2019
19 February 2019 – IRR submission on the Draft Expropriation Bill of 2019. Read the IRR’s submission to the Department of Public Works warning of the ...
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Submissions on Proposed Legislation
Submission on draft Phase 2 of the Amended BBBEE Codes of Good Practice – 9 December 2014
Synopsis of the South African Institute of Race Relations submission to the Department of Trade and Industry regarding the draft Phase 2, Broad-Based Black ...
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Submissions on Proposed Legislation