Why South Africa’s opposition must avoid a coalition with ANC and EFF - Biznews
These past weeks have been dominated by insinuations and rumours of the Democratic Alliance (DA) considering a coalition with the African National Congress ...
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IRR in the Media
The party or the people? - The Citizen
Towards the end of his State of the Nation Address, President Ramaphosa departed from his written text to reflect on the role he plays in the life of the ...
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IRR in the Media
Alex Weiss – The IRR’s #PledgeToVote campaign to encourage people to exercise their power through the vote - ChaiFM
Alex Weiss, #PledgeToVote Campaign Manager at the Institute of Race Relations, urges South Africans to use the powerful tool of the vote to influence change.
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IRR in the Media
ANC in crisis: polls show steep loss of support ahead of elections – Katzenellenbogen - Biznews
There are multiple signs that the ANC is in decline. Various polls show a steep loss of support. The ANC has failed to deliver growth, services and jobs, and ...
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IRR in the Media
Letter: ANC affirms ideology over pragmatism - Businesslive
1 August 2022 - The ANC policy conference was not expected to produce any significant reorientation in the governing party’s plans, and in the end it did not. ...
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Letter: Time to rethink SA power production - The Star
22 January 2021 - As South Africa wrestles with a health pandemic whose impacts look set to be with us for some time to come, we dare not forget the crisis ...
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Nats learnt from "mistakes", but can Ramaphosa? - Politicsweb
23 November 2020 - Speaking in Parliament earlier this month, Cyril Ramaphosa said that “we are in rebuilding mode and correcting the mistakes of the past”. ...
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'n Ekonomiese herstelplan of wenslys? - Maroela Media
23 October 2020 - Op 15 Oktober het president Cyril Ramaphosa tydens 'n gesamentlike sitting van die Parlement 'n herstelplan bekendgestel wat ten doel het om ...
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Warning: ‘New Deal’ risks catapulting SA into debt trap, financial crisis – Jonathan Katzenellenbogen - Biznews
21 October 2020 - The concept and scope of President Cyril Ramaphosa’s Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan delivered last week bear a strong resemblance ...
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