Targets for ‘equitable representation’ sustain racist folly - Businesslive
21 November 2021 - You have only to contemplate for a moment the scale of the impact of dysfunctional education in SA to recognise how pathetically ...
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Terence Corrigan: Resolving challenges - perhaps this is what it takes? - News24
3 October 2022 - In his piece, "Hurling insults, Mr Hersov, won't help us resolve our challenges", Dr Oscar van Heerden makes some worthwhile points about Rob ...
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Terence Corrigan: The high price of cheap ideology - News24
22 October 2022 - When a memo from Dis-Chem CEO Ivan Saltzman became public earlier this month, the uproar it created was both predictable and understandable.
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The ANC's reverse Midas touch - Politicsweb
9 July 2018 - The African National Congress (ANC) has a kind of reverse Midas touch: whatever it touches has a good chance of turning to dross.
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The ANC’s stealthy policy reform: Katzenellenbogen - Biznews
The ANC’s poor election result, combined with high unemployment and negligible economic growth, is forcing the party to look afresh at some of its ideas.
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The ANC’s turn to non-racialism - Polity
The African National Congress is hoping that a chunk of white voters will help it over the electoral finishing line.
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The BEE minefield Dis-Chem blundered into - Biznews
19 October 2022 - It remains unclear whether Dis-Chem has withdrawn its moratorium on the hiring of white people. A letter to the public earlier this week on ...
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The Covid-19 Lockdown Is Dead – The Policy Lockdown Remains - Rational Standard
1 September 2020 - When he moved South Africa to Alert Level 2, and lifted the psychologically important bans on social visits, interprovincial travel and ...
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The DA, party defections and race narratives - Politicsweb
15 August 2022 - Well, it happened again, and I can’t imagine that anyone is surprised it happened. A resignation from the Democratic Alliance was followed by ...
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The DA’s principle of separation of party and state: Potentially problematic? - Biznews
In a previous article I claimed that there might be a tension between the Democratic Alliance (DA)’s principle of ‘separation of party and state’ on the one ...
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