New polling vindicates IRR position on merit
New polling released by the Social Research Foundation (SRF) vindicates research conducted by the Institute of Race Relations (IRR), which emphasises merit ...
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IRR in the Media
NHI remains uncosted and unaffordable – IRR
South Africans should be deeply alarmed that the National Assembly this week approved the NHI Bill without knowing how much it will cost.
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IRR in the Media
No fix for the schooling crisis under the BELA Bill – IRR
‘The Basic Education Laws Amendment (BELA) Bill of 2022, now before the National Council of Provinces for adoption, cannot fix the current schooling crisis and ...
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IRR in the Media
No idea is above scrutiny - Businesslive
6 February 2022 - It’s tempting to think the digital age might yet foster open-mindedness on a scale that preceding technologies were incapable of sustaining. ...
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IRR in the Media
Nonracialism is key for parties to make political gains - Post
If President Cyril Ramaphosa’s criticism of the ‘weakening’ of non-racialism in the ANC is an acknowledgement of the governing party’s error in veering from ...
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IRR in the Media
Nxesi faces his Rubicon moment with race-law targets
Like P W Botha in the 1980s, Labour Minister Thulas Nxesi has reached his Rubicon moment in publishing proposed “sectoral targets” for so-called “employment ...
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IRR in the Media
Online media briefing: IRR to challenge the amended EEA and draft regulations
The Institute of Race Relations (IRR) will be hosting an online media briefing on Wednesday 28 June at 10h00 on its challenge against the amended Employment ...
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IRR in the Media
Ons kom goed klaar, dankie - Rapport
6 June 2021 - Suid-Afrikaners is inherent rassisties en rassisme is ons grootste probleem en uitdaging. Reg? Nee, verkeerd.
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IRR in the Media
OPINION | Gabriel Crouse: Was Steenhuisen aware of Roman Cabanac's racist remarks? - News24
DA leader John Steenhuisen's time as agriculture minister has been fairly quiet, but this headline landed with a clang: "Steenhuisen appoints controversial ...
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IRR in the Media
OPINION | Marius Roodt: It may be cliched, but SA can emulate Springbok success - News24
South Africa made history this weekend by becoming the first team to win four Rugby World Cup titles, and only the second team to win two titles in a row.
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