Mantashe vs Sibanye: Minister chokes mining sector with empowerment agenda – IRR - Biznews
15 November 2020 - Mining’s future was once again on the table last week. Or should that perhaps be on the chopping block?
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Marius Roodt: ActionSA courting the EFF – a match made in heaven or hell? - News24
2 March 2022 - Coalitions are a messy business. The rise of coalition governments in our municipalities since 2016 has shown the difficulties in getting ...
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Martin van Staden: 'Equity' nothing but a euphemism for ANC’s race law ideology - News24
After years of controversy, President Cyril Ramaphosa finally signed the Employment Equity Amendment Act into law on 12 April. Labour minister Thulas Nxesi has ...
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Media hostility must not now throw the DA off course - Politicsweb
14 September 2020 - Nobody should be surprised that the recent decision of the Democratic Alliance (DA) to reject race as a means of classifying people has ...
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Merit must be paramount if growth is the goal – IRR
Forcing merit to take the backseat in favour of demographic considerations in managing South Africa’s fishing industry raises a barrier to broader growth and ...
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MICHAEL MORRIS: ‘Getting real’ means working for the common interest - Business Day
It almost seems, now, an event that happened a while ago, but I feel sure that in the intervening days most South Africans have succeeded in mentally shrugging ...
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MICHAEL MORRIS: ANC scandalously sustains apartheid legacy of racial laws - BusinessLIVE
A long march of time separates SA’s Mines & Works Act of 1911 and its Foreign Service Act of 2019. The circumstances in which the first was conceived and ...
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MICHAEL MORRIS: Cape Town sets benchmark in value-for-money procurements - Business Day
As we contended with yet another bout of unwelcome blackouts last week, a signal City of Cape Town initiative came as a sober reminder of why “wealth-shedding” ...
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MICHAEL MORRIS: Miss SA finalist should be defended against loutish jingoism - Business Day
By what seems a truly perverse inversion, a beauty pageant has succeeded — though without intending to — in exposing the ugliest kind of chauvinism in our ...
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MICHAEL MORRIS: Moving from a nasty to a necessary question - Business Day
If you wanted proof of the power of a dominant idea in politics, I once pointed out that you had only to consult the straight-faced entry in Hansard, the ...
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