Why no money? - Polity
28 January 2021 - ‘We do not have the money, that’s the simple truth that has to be put out there, we are constrained from a financing point of view.’ So said ...
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IRR in the Media
Why racism is not ‘the’ problem - Polity
8 July 2021 - Some years back, I was feeling particularly depressed about the state of the country, lamenting where it was going and whether I had any role in ...
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IRR in the Media
Why worry about Critical Race Theory? – Part 1 - Newsi
10 September 2021 - This is a question that has been directed at the organisation I work for, the Institute of Race Relations. CRT, we have been told, is an ...
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IRR in the Media
Why worry about Critical Race Theory? – Part 2 - Newsi
27 September 2021 - South Africa is a challenged society. No one living in or visiting the country can avoid confronting that reality in some manifestation or ...
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IRR in the Media
Will South Africa ever ditch race-based politics? - Biznews
26 August 2022 - Race is South Africa’s eternal fault line. Nearly everything in this country is viewed through the prism of race, from who our politicians ...
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IRR in the Media
Yes, we do have a choice - Newsi
16 August 2022 - At an address at the University of Pretoria last week, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken set out a vision for a partnership between his ...
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IRR in the Media
Zuma conviction great victory, and test, for RNTP
5 July 2021 - Over the past few weeks, the new initiative, Racism Is NOT The Problem (RNTP) has sought to do away with the notion that racism is South Africa’s ...
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IRR in the Media
Zuma: Why any attempt to put him behind bars is politically impossible - Biznews
1 October 2020 - Jacob Zuma has sparked public outrage by demanding the recusal of Judge Raymond Zondo, and so threatening to derail the commission of inquiry ...
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The Race card: All that the ANC has left – Ivo Vegter - Biznews
Fikile Mbalula, unable to answer criticism of the ANC, is reduced to denouncing its critics as racists and apartheid apologists.
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'Time for South Africa to ditch apartheid's founding racial categories' - Post
For the past 30 years South African legislation has operated on the very basis of the apartheid institutions which democracy sought to demolish, and it’s time ...
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