EWC, BEE setting up Godongwana and GNU for failure – IRR
Minister of Finance Enoch Godongwana’s hopes of advancing the GNU’s pro-growth ambitions are critically undermined by the weakening of property rights and the ...
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IRR in the Media
Exposing acquisitive lawmakers – Anthea Jeffery - Biznews
10 February 2022 - The Zondo Commission’s recent reports have provided chapter and verse on the fraud and inflated pricing that bedevilled so many of the ...
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IRR in the Media
Face fiscal facts on BEE in Budget – IRR
IRR Legal has written to finance minister Enoch Godongwana to request clarity on the cost of “BEE Premiums” in the Medium-Term Budget Policy Statement (MTBPS) ...
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Flags and threats: A liberal rumination on the limits of free expression - Politicsweb
Julius Malema did it again – he threatened genocidal violence as a crowd cheered him on. Somewhere, a hypothetical Oom Frikkie also displayed the 1928 South ...
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IRR in the Media
Frans Cronje’s ‘Good News’ diagnosis debunked – Gabriel Crouse - Biznews
Dr Frans Cronje is arguably the best public analyst in South Africa, and a dear former colleague. He deserves some criticism. His most recent diagnosis of ...
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Free speech is the best weapon against hate speech - Daily Maverick
The hate speech bill is unconstitutional and unnecessary. Government should instead bring the hate speech provisions in the Promotion of Equality and ...
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GABRIEL CROUSE | 'I did not say racism is human nature' - TimesLIVE
“Why is there racism? Human nature. There will always be murder, rape, and racism in South Africa, because there will always be human beings, and human nature ...
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IRR in the Media
GABRIEL CROUSE | Finance minister should disclose BEE premiums - TimesLIVE
Finance minister Enoch Godongwana is scheduled to deliver the Medium-Term Budget Policy Statement (MTBPS) on October 30, a potential watershed moment. This ...
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GABRIEL CROUSE | Nxesi’s race strategy only puts more black people in the unemployment line - TimesLIVE
Minister of employment and labour Thulas Nxesi offered an opinion piece titled “Employment Equity status of the South African labour market: 24 years later”, ...
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IRR in the Media
Gabriel Crouse | Why it is time to let the sun set on BEE - News24
It is time to let the sun set on BEE. The first authority to consider in this regard is Volume 1 of the Zondo Report, which deals with BEE premiums in public ...
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