Right of reply: Try this for meaning, Prof Jansen - Timeslive
14 February 2022 - In his article “Read this for meaning, Institute of Race Relations” (10 February), Professor Jonathan Jansen levels certain accusations ...
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IRR in the Media
Rooi ligte oor wet - Rapport
4 July 2021 - Voorgestelde wysigings aan die Wet op die Bevordering van Gelykheid en Voorkoming van Onbillike Diskriminasie (Pepuda) kan banke, versekeraars, ...
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IRR in the Media
Runaway groupthink all over again - Politicsweb
27 July 2020 - For the last 30 years the world has been in the grip of a powerful ideology known as man-made climate change. The last few months have seen the ...
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Running out of other people's money - GoSouth
11 March 2021 - ‘The problem with socialism’, as British prime minister Margaret Thatcher memorably said, ‘is that you eventually run out of other people's ...
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IRR in the Media
SA needs a new empowerment model, and the IRR has it - Businesslive
21 September 2020 - Sandile Zungu’s analogy for empowerment policy is intriguing: it is needed, he argues, to “steam the train in the right direction”’ (“BEE ...
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IRR in the Media
SA still writing laws for the privileged few – analysis - Biznews
5 May 2022 - Part 4 of the Zondo Commission report into state capture came out last week. It primarily rehashes and reaffirms the story of how Eskom was ...
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IRR in the Media
SAHRC must withdraw, and apologise for, inaccurate, racially divisive statement on land ownership – IRR
16 August 2022 - The IRR is taking legal advice on possible steps against the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) for peddling a blatant factual ...
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IRR in the Media
Sama slaps on a bandage while avoiding the wound - Businesslive
20 February 2022 - I often think back to a wry observation by former Robben Islander Saki Macozoma during pre-interview small talk a few months after his ...
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IRR in the Media
School race-quota risk
27 July 2022 - Minister of Tourism and ANC Social Transformation Committee chair Lindiwe Sisulu has called for race quotas at all schools, further threatening ...
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Scrap BEE, says new initiative
21 June 2021 - Polling shows that most South Africans do not believe that soft Apartheid-style race-based policy such as BEE is the best way to improve their ...
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