Mistaking the ‘Malema’ risk: A reply to Martin van Staden - Politicsweb
This is really a reflection on the virtue of being less than wholly convincing, or convinced, and thus avoiding the penalty of bringing the argument to a close.
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IRR in the Media
Starlink or BEE: Government of National Unity must choose – IRR
Government and business have a difficult decision to make, one that places the concept of Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) in grave danger.
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IRR in the Media
Chasing the White Whale: an epic moment in literature, and a tawdry feat of character assassination
It’s doubtful that more than just a few South Africans, including those with a fondness for literature, will ever read Herman Melville’s magisterial novel Moby ...
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IRR in the Media
IRR, Zondo and Harvard agree: Cut BEE to keep the lights on, ignite economic growth – Gabriel Crouse - Biznews
The last campaign I ran at the IRR was to scrap BEE at Eskom, particularly in procurement, in order to combat load-shedding. A new working paper from Harvard’s ...
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IRR in the Media
The ANC’s turn to non-racialism - Polity
The African National Congress is hoping that a chunk of white voters will help it over the electoral finishing line.
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IRR in the Media
IRR research shows South Africans would accept a good president of any race
Annual surveys conducted for the South African Institute of Race Relations (IRR) show clearly that ordinary South Africans do not care about the skin colour of ...
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IRR in the Media
Nxesi faces his Rubicon moment with race-law targets
Like P W Botha in the 1980s, Labour Minister Thulas Nxesi has reached his Rubicon moment in publishing proposed “sectoral targets” for so-called “employment ...
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IRR in the Media
How race poisons debate - Politicsweb
There may be reasonable disagreement about the best strategies for dealing with pathological behaviour, but it would be surprising indeed if there were any ...
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IRR in the Media
South Africa’s ambitious path to prosperity: How to achieve economic growth – Terence Corrigan - Biznews
For South Africa to escape from its current malaise, it will need growth of 5.4% per annum for a sustained period. This was the judgement of the National ...
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IRR in the Media
BEE premiums set to explode
Tomorrow, the Public Procurement Bill is scheduled to be put to the vote in the National Assembly, where the ANC majority is expected to pass the new system ...
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