Expropriation Act: Why its critics are right to be concerned - Biznews
The most impressive feature of two pieces recently published by the Mail & Guardian − on what both appeared to suggest was the unduly anxious and overblown ...
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IRR in the Media
The Expropriation Act’s miracle “benefits” debunked – Terence Corrigan - Biznews
"How can South Africans benefit from the Expropriation Act?” That’s the bold (implied) question on a graphic that came across my Facebook feed. With big white ...
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IRR in the Media
Expropriation Act misunderstood: a closer look at De Vos’ critique and its flaws - Daily Maverick
Pierre de Vos’s attack on the Institute of Race Relations (IRR) and other supposedly “right-wing” or “libertarian” organisations for their allegedly “false” ...
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IRR in the Media
Land debate distorted by misrepresentation of ownership figures − IRR
The misrepresentation of data around land ownership is distorting how the public understands the issue, and how it is debated.
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IRR in the Media
The South African Expropriation Act is dangerous and wrong - The Critic
Over the last few weeks South Africa has had the international spotlight focused on it more than arguably any other time this century.
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IRR in the Media
Expropriation Act damages all South Africans — a reply to Tembeka Ngcukaitobi - Daily Maverick
That the ANC has been willing to enact a patently unconstitutional expropriation law increases the risk that the Act, like expropriation legislation in various ...
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IRR in the Media
EWC, BEE setting up Godongwana and GNU for failure – IRR
Minister of Finance Enoch Godongwana’s hopes of advancing the GNU’s pro-growth ambitions are critically undermined by the weakening of property rights and the ...
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IRR in the Media
LETTER: Land stance misleading - Business Day
Tim Cocks refers to “white landowners who still possess three quarters of SA’s freehold farmland”, contrasting this with “4% owned by blacks” (“Why Trump is ...
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IRR in the Media
Andrew Kenny: SA must heed Zimbabwe’s lessons and stop sleepwalking onto its ruinous path - Biznews
The 2025 Expropriation Act has drawn attention to the question of land reform and in particular white ownership of farms in South Africa.
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SA not simmering pot of racial hatred – IRR
Contrary to false assumptions pervading much of the debate about Donald Trump’s recent intervention, most South Africans are not obsessed with race and racial ...
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