Banks must clarify fate of debt after expropriation – IRR
1 April 2021 - The Institute of Race Relations (IRR) has asked the Banking Association of South Africa (BASA) to spell out its plan of action on settling ...
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Banks must clarify their position on EWC
5 August 2022 - The ANC made it clear at its weekend Policy Conference that it is not backing down on its desire to implement Expropriation without ...
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Banks silent on fate of clients’ home loans – IRR
19 April 2021 - The Banking Association of South Africa (BASA) has turned down an invitation from the Institute of Race Relations (IRR) to put forward its ...
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IRR in the Media
Expropriation Act damages all South Africans — a reply to Tembeka Ngcukaitobi - Daily Maverick
That the ANC has been willing to enact a patently unconstitutional expropriation law increases the risk that the Act, like expropriation legislation in various ...
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IRR in the Media
US congressional hearing flags property rights threat to SA democracy
Expropriation without compensation (EWC) was flagged as a major risk to South Africa’s democracy at a congressional hearing in the United States last week.
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A banking risk arises from the Expropriation Act - IRR
Banks have always depended on the bedrock of property for extending capital while minimising risk – but now that bedrock is being legislated into quicksand.
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IRR to warn Ramaphosa on constitutionality of Expropriation Bill
Weakening property rights will end any chance of South Africa becoming a prosperous society.
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Renewed EWC push threatens South Africa’s trade privileges – IRR
The implications of the signing of the Expropriation Act for South Africa’s trade access should not be underestimated, warns the Institute of Race Relations ...
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Land debate distorted by misrepresentation of ownership figures − IRR
The misrepresentation of data around land ownership is distorting how the public understands the issue, and how it is debated.
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EWC on the horizon - Politicsweb
With its adoption by the National Council of Provinces (NCOP), the Expropriation Bill has passed one of its final legal hurdles before becoming law.
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