Keep calm, but beware the Expropriation Bill - Polity
10 November 2020 - Keep calm and carry on. If the weight of commentary around the Expropriation Bill could be summed up in a phrase, that would probably be it. ...
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IRR in the Media
Key Findings of Poll
10 October 2018 – In a nutshell, here are the key points on what South Africans really think about expropriation without compensation.
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IRR in the Media
Land and race: SA’s untold story – Andrew Kenny - Biznews
The land question has been brought up by several new MPs sworn in last week.
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IRR in the Media
Land bungle busts the myth that the ANC wants to make black South Africans property owners – IRR
28 October 2020 - The ANC’s ideological opposition to allowing black South Africans to become freehold landowners in a prosperous, property-owning democracy ...
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IRR in the Media
Land Court Bill severely undermines the rule of law - Businesslive
22 March 2022 - As President Cyril Ramaphosa announced in January, the ANC remains committed to expropriation without compensation and will now pursue this by ...
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IRR in the Media
Land Court Bill threatens property rights, IRR warns NCOP
16 November 2022 - Economic freedom indices consistently show that countries that respect property rights experience less poverty, lower infant mortality, ...
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IRR in the Media
Land debate distorted by misrepresentation of ownership figures − IRR
The misrepresentation of data around land ownership is distorting how the public understands the issue, and how it is debated.
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IRR in the Media
Land denied and promises unfulfilled for Dwesa-Cwebe communities - IOL
21 May 2018 - Nearly thirty years after Nelson Mandela’s release, the Dwesa-Cwebe communities – the first to benefit from the land restitution process in the ...
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IRR in the Media
Land Expropriation: Public opinion ignored – committees breach constitutional obligations - Biznews
18 March 2021 - Both of the parliamentary committees dealing with expropriation without compensation (EWC) bills have breached their constitutional obligations ...
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IRR in the Media
Land is not a low-hanging fruit - News24
28 July 2020 - Former president Kgalema Motlanthe has been one of the more measured voices on the question of land reform.
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