IRR: How to heal the unconstitutional Expropriation Bill
The contested Expropriation Bill, which among other things seeks to enable expropriation without compensation (EWC), is currently before the National Council ...
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IRR in the Media
Is land reform a priority for black South Africans? - Biznews
8 April 2021 - A fortnight ago the Ad Hoc Committee responsible for drafting the expropriation-without-compensation (EWC) constitutional amendment bill (the ...
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IRR in the Media
Is South Africa Destined for Success or Failure? - IATP
South Africa is at a crossroads. On the one hand, the nation has the continent's strongest manufacturing base, one of the most educated populations, and is one ...
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IsiBizNews: Abavoti bayayichitha i-ANC ne-EFF: Funa uguquko lwangempela, hhayi uguquko oluqinile – John Endres - Biznews
Kusukela okhethweni lwangomhla zingama-29 kuNhlaba wezi-2024, kunendaba exoxwayo emelela kabi indlela abantu baseNingizimu Afrika abavota ngayo.
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IRR in the Media
It all critically depends, Songezo Zibi, on what you mean by land reform - Daily Maverick
Agriculture based on land reform is not a plausible or viable solution to poverty and unemployment, not for a rapidly urbanising population with aspirations ...
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IRR in the Media
It’s now up to NCOP to shield SA from grave EWC risks – IRR
29 September 2022 - For the second time in as many days, the Institute of Race Relations (IRR) calls on the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) to speak up ...
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IRR in the Media
JOHN ENDRES: An ANC-EFF future would wreak (even greater) havoc on economy - Business Day
A plausible post-2024 scenario for SA sees the ANC failing to secure a majority in the national election and entering a coalition with the EFF to form a ...
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IRR in the Media
JOHN ENDRES: The slippery Expropriation Act - Business Day
Picture this: you’re an expert SA investment adviser. You have a wealthy Texan on the line who wants to invest $5m of his strong dollars in SA. He needs your ...
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Juigkommando het g’n benul van ramp watdreig - Rapport
Pres. Cyril Ramaphosa se ondertekening van die Onteieningswet op23 Januarie was ’n waterskeidingsoomblik vir ons land en vanenorme belang vir alle ...
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Katzenellenbogen on Expropriation Bill: SA “on the verge of an economic tipping point” - Biznews
South Africa could be on the verge of an economic tipping point. Once the Expropriation Bill is passed it will give the government wide-ranging powers to seize ...
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