Was dit ’n grap, Cyril? - Rapport
18 October 2020 - As daar enigiets positief is van die “ekonomiese herstelplan” wat pres. Cyril Ramaphosa die afgelope week bekend gemaak het, is dat dit die ...
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IRR in the Media
Washing on highway fences flags the battle for urban land - Businesslive
6 September 2020 - With the first spell of sunshine in days last Thursday, it was time to do the laundry in Constantia, the jerseys and trousers slung like ...
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IRR in the Media
What did the Land Acts actually say, and what will land reform actually do? - Politicsweb
8 February 2021 - Last week my colleague Anthea Jeffery reminded us that the deputy president, David Mabuza, had said that the Expropriation Bill currently ...
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IRR in the Media
What should I write about? - Newsi
25 August 2021 - I’ve had the pleasure and privilege of making the odd contribution to Newsi since it started up. Kudos and grateful thanks to my good friend ...
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IRR in the Media
What the IMF means when it says SA needs ‘growth-enhancing structural reforms’ – IRR
29 July 2020 - Approval of South Africa’s R70 billion International Monetary Fund (IMF) Covid-19 support package is an invaluable opportunity for South ...
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IRR in the Media
When “respected sources” spread lies - Newsi
23 August 2022 - Last week I participated (as did Newsi editor Sharon Salomon) in a webinar on the fraught concept of ‘fake news’. It was an interesting ...
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IRR in the Media
When will ANC drop the megaphone and start fixing policies? - Businesslive
31 January 2021 - One of my favourite cartoons of the late apartheid years shows two men in tropical hats, each with a rifle slung from his shoulder, ...
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IRR in the Media
Why Expropriation Bill will only make SA's woes worse
17 October 2020 - South Africans have been told to feel calm-to-positive about the Expropriation Bill gazette last Friday. Among other things, the bill lays ...
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IRR in the Media
Why no money? - Polity
28 January 2021 - ‘We do not have the money, that’s the simple truth that has to be put out there, we are constrained from a financing point of view.’ So said ...
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Why we will be going to Senekal – IRR
15 October 2020 - Events in Senekal underline the need not just for honest, rational debate about key challenges facing South Africa, but practical solutions ...
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