EWC, BEE setting up Godongwana and GNU for failure – IRR
Minister of Finance Enoch Godongwana’s hopes of advancing the GNU’s pro-growth ambitions are critically undermined by the weakening of property rights and the ...
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IsiBizNews: Abavoti bayayichitha i-ANC ne-EFF: Funa uguquko lwangempela, hhayi uguquko oluqinile – John Endres - Biznews
Kusukela okhethweni lwangomhla zingama-29 kuNhlaba wezi-2024, kunendaba exoxwayo emelela kabi indlela abantu baseNingizimu Afrika abavota ngayo.
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President Ramaphosa has betrayed his promise of economic growth − IRR
President Cyril Ramaphosa’s signing the Expropriation Bill into law last week scraps the multi-party promise of economic growth for a rehash of the same old ...
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SA not simmering pot of racial hatred – IRR
Contrary to false assumptions pervading much of the debate about Donald Trump’s recent intervention, most South Africans are not obsessed with race and racial ...
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IRR in the Media
30 years after Mandela's Nobel Prize, SA faces stark choice: poverty or growth – IRR
Nelson Mandela’s conviction – expressed in his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech 30 years ago this month – that in their new democracy all South Africans ...
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Expropriation Act misunderstood: a closer look at De Vos’ critique and its flaws - Daily Maverick
Pierre de Vos’s attack on the Institute of Race Relations (IRR) and other supposedly “right-wing” or “libertarian” organisations for their allegedly “false” ...
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EWC still on the agenda - Politicsweb
The general state of South Africa – its concurrent list of failings, or ‘polycrisis’ – means that we are constantly having to process some new-but-not-so-new ...
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IRR in the Media
IRR latest polling: 'Opportunities or Bust' is emerging as the theme of 2024 ballot battle
South Africans are looking for political parties that set out a clear, non-racial, pragmatic agenda capable of delivering opportunities to build a better life.
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The South African Expropriation Act is dangerous and wrong - The Critic
Over the last few weeks South Africa has had the international spotlight focused on it more than arguably any other time this century.
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LETTER: Distrust basis of expropriation outcry - Business Day
International Trade Administration Commission head Ayabonga Cawe says the outcry over the Expropriation Act is an overreaction (“Sense of being under siege is ...
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