Research and Policy Brief: The Democratic Alliance and the Employment Equity Bill - 5th November 2013.
The Democratic Alliance has thrown its weight behind the Employment Equity Amendment Bill of 2012. This has five specific implications for the country, the ...
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Research & Policy Brief
Research and Policy Brief: The National Democratic Revolution (NDR): Its Origins and Implications - 31st May 2012.
Address by the Institute's Head of Special Research, Dr Anthea Jeffery, to the conference on ‘the national democratic revolution, land ownership, and the Green ...
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Research & Policy Brief
Research and Policy Brief: The Totalitarian Risk - 17th August 2010
Recent weeks have seen much dismay around the behavior of South Africa’s government. For it has tabled legislation to restrict access to government ...
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Research & Policy Brief
Research and Policy Brief: Two scenarios for the future of South Africa - 14th January 2013.
At no point since 1994 has the Institute confronted more angst and pessimism about the future of the country than we saw in 2012. At briefing after briefing we ...
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Research & Policy Brief
Research and Policy Brief: Unemployment's Statistical Illusion - 17th November 2010
Unemployment remains a central obstacle to South Africa’s attaining the ANC’s 1994 promise of a ‘better life for all’. The current rate of unemployment is ...
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Research & Policy Brief
Research and Policy Brief: Why the Firearms Control Act failed and what should be done about it - 21st June 2011.
In 2004 the South African Government implemented new gun control legislation in the Firearms Control Act. The Act required licensed firearms owners in the ...
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Research & Policy Brief
Research and Policy Brief: Would the Presidential penis have mattered if it was in a book? Presidential address to the SAIRR by Professor Jonathan Jansen, 27 September 2012.
In his address to the South African Institute of Race Relations in his capacity as its president Professor Jonathan Jansen examines what the state of education ...
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Research & Policy Brief
SAIRR Today: ‘New thinking’ needs to challenge policy and racial holy-cows - 1st July 2010
Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan has said that South Africa needs ‘new thinking’ on jobs and growth. This comes after StatsSA released data last week which ...
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SAIRR Today: ANC sowing seeds for future revolt - 11th June 2010
The latest SAIRR Today is guest authored by Patrick Laurence. He assesses the ANC government's performance, and warns that continued corruption and slow ...
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Research & Policy Brief
SAIRR Today: Chasing the Rainbow: South Africa’s Move from Mandela to Zuma - 4th June 2010
Earlier this week the Institute’s head of special research, Dr Anthea Jeffery, launched her latest book, Chasing the Rainbow: South Africa’s Move from Mandela ...
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