Empowering the State, Impoverishing the People
20 June 2018 – ‘Empowering the State, Impoverishing the People’ is a report the IRR today released in Washington in the United States to advance its campaign ...
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Executive Chaos - Discontinuity in the National Executive: 2009-2018
18 October 2018 - The scale of South Africa’s discontinuity in executive leadership is undoubtedly one of the biggest contributing factors to the ANC’s failure ...
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Fake News: A new challenge to human rights?
12 May 2021 – This report warns that fake news poses a threat to free societies, distorting perceptions of what is true and false, and potentially corroding ...
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Fees can fall, but first ...
In our politically correct era, we hang on the words and actions of young people with too much knowledge and too little wisdom. The consequence is a society ...
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First Steps to Healing the South African Family
This report presents research by the South African Institute of Race Relations into the state of South African families and youth. The first part will describe ...
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Freeing Education - The future of the Class of 2020: How to build a bright education future
22 January 2020 – This report offers practical and easily implementable policy solutions to the failures in the South African education system.
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Friends In Need - Covid-19: How South Africa can save #LivesAndLivelihoods
25 March 2020 - This report provides detailed policy proposals on how South Africa can confront the grave challenges presented by the combined effects of the ...
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Going For Growth - Submission on Economic transformation, inclusive growth and competitiveness: Towards an Economic Strategy for South Africa
The IRR made a submission on the economic policy document released by the minister of finance, Tito Mboweni. Although the IRR broadly welcomes the document it ...
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Going off the Rails: The Slide Towards the Lawless South African State
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Growth & Recovery: A Strategy to #GetSAWorking
18 August 2020 – This report argues that, with the right growth-enhancing policies in place, South Africa could target economic growth levels of 7% by the end ...
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