Research and Policy Brief: Government should privatise land reform - 2nd November 2010
The leaked green paper on land reform proposes a new policy to drive down land prices through new taxes, land holding restrictions, watered down land rights, ...
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Research & Policy Brief
Research and Policy Brief: Kgalema Motlanthe - 22nd November 2012.
Not much is known about the deputy president of the African National Congress (ANC) and the country, Kgalema Motlanthe. On most matters he is guarded and ...
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Research & Policy Brief
Research and Policy Brief: Land ownership and land reform in South Africa - 27th February 2012.
Dr Pieter Mulder has courted great controversy with comments that black South Africans have no historical claim to land in the Northern and Western Cape and ...
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Research & Policy Brief
Research and Policy Brief: Lessons from History for the Opposition – 21st May 2013
In a speech to the Education Colloquium of the Democratic Alliance caucus on 15 May 2013, Professor Hermann Giliomee, vice-president of the South African ...
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Research & Policy Brief
Research and Policy Brief: Mamphela Ramphele - 22nd May 2013.
The launch of the ‘political party platform’ Agang in February 2012 has shifted Dr Mamphela Ramphele from being a commentator on South African politics to ...
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Research & Policy Brief
Research and Policy Brief: 'Model C' is the model to emulate - 1st February 2011.
The odds of a pupil, regardless of race, passing matric increase significantly when they attend a former 'Model C' school, compared to those who attend other ...
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Research & Policy Brief
Research and Policy Brief: Much Devilry Still in the Detail of the Protection of State Information Bill - 20th March 2012.
The Protection of State Information Bill may now genuflect enough to guaranteed rights to convince a majority of Constitutional Court judges that it passes ...
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Research & Policy Brief
Research and Policy Brief: Muriel Horrell: Apartheid’s Chronicler and Archivist - 22nd December 2011.
Early next year the South African Institute of Race Relations will publish the 2010/2011 edition of its world-renowned South Africa Survey. The Survey has ...
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Research & Policy Brief
Research and Policy Brief: NDR: the cornerstone of any policy analysis of South Africa - 27th August 2010
The current public service strike has brought to the fore the bitter nature of the power struggle at play in the ruling ANC/SACP/COSATU alliance. Our current ...
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Research & Policy Brief
Research and Policy Brief: Not just another BRIC in the wall - 14th October 2010
Emerging markets continue to feature prominently in global economic discussions on the back of perceived economic weaknesses in both the United Sates and the ...
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