@Liberty - Patents: The Next Part of the Property Rights Grab
29 October 2014 - The State is seeking wide powers to take or bypass patent rights. Patents are important because they help to quicken the growth rate, ...
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@Liberty - Pressing ahead with NHI implementation
24 November 2017 - There is still no clarity on what the proposed National Health Insurance (NHI) system will cost, how it will be financed, how the supply of ...
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@Liberty - Privatisation or bust
20 September 2016 - Well-run companies are seldom in the news. They satisfy the needs of their customers, making profi ts as a result. Some of South Africa’s ...
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@Liberty - Property Rights Belong To All: Women and Property Rights in Sub-Saharan Africa
25 November 2020 - This argues that women in Africa remain excluded from the benefits of property ownership, and this must receive the attention of policy ...
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@Liberty - Protest action in South Africa: Threat, or opportunity for reform?
18 February 2014 - Violent anti-government protest action in South Africa has increased dramatically in recent months. So much so that business, diplomatic, ...
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@Liberty - Ramaphosa and the Strange Workings of ANC Democracy
30 January 2018 - The report, written by distinguished political analyst, R W Johnson, provides an “unrivalled picture of the country’s mood on the cusp of a ...
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@Liberty - Reaching the Promised Land: An alternative to the report of the Presidential Advisory Panel on Land Reform and Agriculture
This @Liberty looks at the current situation regarding land reform in South Africa and explains the ideological imperative behind the government’s drive of ...
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@Liberty - South Africa: A 12-point plan for prosperity
13 February 2014 - The National Development Plan (NDP) is the latest in a series of government plans to accelerate growth and increase employment. However, ...
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@Liberty - Stand up to the tyranny of political correctness, and tell the truth
18 June 2014 - On 15 June 1973 the Financial Mail published an article on mass population removals in pursuit of the apartheid policy of separate development.
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@Liberty - Steering Mining into the future: can the mining industry prepare itself for a reinvigorated tomorrow?
18 July 2019 - This @Liberty report analyses the state of the country’s mining industry, what current trends reveal about it, and how it might be rejuvenated.
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